Moving Regional Connectivity Forward
Our infrastructure strategy focuses on improving systems and structures that support sustainability and opportunity in the Pittsburgh region.

A Transformative Vision for a Better Transportation Future
What do we want from our region’s transportation system in the next 10-to-20 years, and what do we need to do differently to get there? One place to look for answers is Imagine Transportation 2.0, released by the Regional Transportation Alliance of Southwestern Pennsylvania (RTA) in March 2017.
Over 18 months, the RTA collected and synthesized input from nearly 400 stakeholders to understand regional transportation challenges and opportunities across the region. Imagine Transportation 2.0 is a fully interactive, digital platform that recommends seven principles to guide the region’s transportation future and “50 Ideas to Explore” to improve the system. Visit the report to explore its maps, studies and stories of what’s working in transportation across the country and how we can improve as a region.
How You Can Help Advance the Transformative Vision
Over the summer of 2017, the RTA fanned out across the 10-county region to engage a wide variety of community stakeholders in a dialogue about Imagine Transportation 2.0 and begin to change how we think about our transportation needs and how we make investment decisions.
We appreciate the endorsement of the seven guiding principles at the heart of Imagine Transportation 2.0 by the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission, the official transportation planning agency for the region, as well as by all 10 counties and more than 50 other stakeholder organizations across southwestern Pennsylvania.
If your company or organization is interested in endorsing the seven principles, or to discuss any of the “50 Ideas to Explore,” please contact Carly Dobbins-Bucklad.

Making Our Region Accessible and Attractive by Supporting Air Service
Our region relies on competitive service to attract and retain business investment and talent, and to promote visitation. Under the focused leadership of the Allegheny County Airport Authority, the Pittsburgh International Airport (PIT) and our region have seen a dramatic acceleration of air service options over the past two years, including increasing nonstop destinations by 100 percent to include 74 airports. Air Transport World – a leading industry publication – named PIT its 2017 Airport of the Year because of this and many more successes.
The Conference is committed to helping build a momentum that will attract even more robust air service in the future. Under the banner of the Pittsburgh Travel Cooperative, we’re doing our part alongside the Allegheny County Airport Authority, Pittsburgh Technology Council and VisitPITTSBURGH to raise awareness in our community that if we are to retain and gain more service, we must support what we have.
We also congratulate our partners at the Airport Authority for announcing a new $1.1 billion terminal upgrade that will position the airport and our region for the future.